Pictorialism dissertation.
The concept of pictorialism refers to the art movement that prioritizes aesthetics and international style in photography. It is characterized by the lack of the sharp focus entailing numerous colors and evidence of manipulation such as brush strokes. Ideally, the movement took place between the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The purpose was to incorporate the aspect of artistry into photography as opposed to the plain capturing of images. The major emphasis targeted the composition, tonality, and the aesthetic beauty of the objects. The concept is associated with Henry Peach Robinson for advocating the compositional devices and the appropriate subject matter in undertaking photography. On the other hand, the movement of pointillism entails the application of small stroke, dabs, or dots based on color on the surface. The dots follow a pattern of colors to establish an image that appears from far as the visual blend of the colors. The movement took place from the 1880s to the 1890s following the impressionist movement. Essentially, pointillism fails to focus on the subject matter rather focuses on the appearance of the paint on the canvas. It relies on the science of optics in the placement of the dots in close proximity that blurs the vision into the development of an image. As such, the images lack the sharp focus and appear blur as though amateurish. For example, the artwork of Paul Signac demonstrates the use of dots of color to establish images. Consequently, some artists engaged in photography through the use of cameras to take real-time photographs of the event as they happened. Such photographers include Dickey Chapelle, who produced many pictures taken of the encounters of the soldiers during the World War. She was a soldier and took the opportunity to take pictures of the endeavors of the soldiers during the wars including the dangers encountered in the course of duty. Such pictures helped to inform the rest of the population about the issues entailed in the warfare. Therefore, this paper compares the artwork on “A boat crew off-loads a wounded man onto a hospital ship 1945” by Dickey Chapelle and the artwork on “The Demolisher” by Paul Signac.
Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 1: “A boat crew off-loads a wounded man onto a hospital ship 1945” by Dickey Chapelle;Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 2: “The Demolisher” by Paul Signac
Notably, both artworks utilize the portrait layout for their positioning and both of them lack the frame. They both demonstrate the aspect of movement or motion based on the posture of the human figures in them. In fact, the two artworks illustrate the concept of struggling to achieve a substance or solve a problem. For example, the artwork on “A boat crew off-loads a wounded man onto a hospital ship 1945” by Dickey Chapelle showcase the member of the crew assisting their injured fellow by placing him on the boat. On the other hand, the artwork on “The Demolisher” by Paul Signac showcases two men hitting rocks to break out small pieces in search of valuable minerals. Furthermore, the two artworks demonstrate the use or application of various formal elements such as the use of space in both images. The two artworks also establish the human figures as the points of emphasis for the viewers to focus their attention. The two artworks entail the proper use of the size and composition that are proportional to among the objects within the frame. For instance, the sizes of the human figures are commensurate with the objects surrounding them to indicate reality. Both artworks entail equal distribution of light in all parts of the image within the frame that facilitates the visibility of the objects. Moreover, they both demonstrate the background of nature entailing the sea or ocean for the photograph and the sky for the painting. Both artworks present the blurred image of the shadows of the men within the frames.
In principle, whereas the artwork on “A boat crew off-loads a wounded man onto a hospital ship 1945” by Dickey Chapelle is a photograph, the artwork on “The Demolisher” by Paul Signac is a painting. The photograph has the black-and-white complexion with greyish sections while the painting is colored with numerous colors. The man in the painting has his face in the direction of the viewer while the men in the photograph have their heads bent over the wounded man to offer assistance. Whereas the photograph provides the aerial view of the men within the frame, the painting provides the direct view of the men at the equal height to the viewer. The photograph depicts the use of modern improved technologies that are driven by machines such as the powered ship while the painting demonstrates the use of traditional equipment in the activities of the men such as a chisel. The photograph shows the action of the men geared towards saving a life while the action of the men in the painting is geared towards establishing livelihood or trade.
Indeed, the movement of pointillism that is characterized by the application of small stroke, dabs, or dots based on color on the surface demonstrates a creative way of producing images. Despite failing to focus on the subject matter, pointillism relies on the science of optics in the placement of the dots in close proximity that blurs the vision into the development of an image. For example, the work of Paul Signac on “The Demolisher” produces a magnificent image based on the use of dots in the systematic pattern of colors. Consequently, various similarities can be drawn from the artwork on “A boat crew off-loads a wounded man onto a hospital ship 1945” by Dickey Chapelle and the artwork on “The Demolisher” by Paul Signac.
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